Photographers Research
Yanidel Yanidel is a photographer I have been following since starting my own street photography and someone that I get a lot of...

4 Picture Stories (Andy Moxon)
My first picture story is by Michal huniewicz who documented his trip to north Korea. I love this story and has inspired me to want to go...

Jerome Sessini
Jerome Sessini is not my favourite photographer but I feel that his work has a certain amount of power that cannot be ignored due to the...

Steve McCurry
Steve McCurry was my first go to for colour documentary photography due to his beautiful way of capturing so much beauty and so much...

Thomas Hoepker
Thomas Hoepker has shot a lot of different subject matters which Is what makes him such a great photographer to research from 9/11,...

John Vink
I am very interested in the work of John Vink as he does not have 1 go to style of photography and way he shoots a subject but instead he...

Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Gueorgui Pinkhassov is a very inspirational photographer to me due to his expertise in the use of light and shadows in his images as well as
Start of University blog.
From now on since starting my Photojournalism and documentary photography course officially on Monday. I will be using my Blog to not...
Book Completed
My book is finally competed and is now up and online for sale follow the link below. Book