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I find beauty in what I choose to observe in the world around me, street photography has opened up and allowed for the representation of my personal interpretation based off of my personal perceptions.
I have developed my style over 5 years adding, taking away and starting new styles countless times in the search for development within my medium. This has led to many different inspirations, sourced from many areas available to myself, from the online community and websites to books both photographic and theory based.
I have found my love of analog photography only flourish more the further I go with my photography, the cameras and techniques help slow down the thinking process that goes into the creation of an image. I have also found film cameras to be more user-friendly with each camera designed best for a specific genre, style of shooting and techniques used.
I started as a persistent B&W shooter distancing myself from colour, although this has since changed showing my capacity to accept change for the benefit of my artworks development.
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