Thomas Hoepker
Thomas Hoepker has shot a lot of different subject matters which Is what makes him such a great photographer to research from 9/11, street photography, Muhamad ali and even photographing United States marines.
I have used Hoepker as a go to in the past during the start of my street photography as I have always been attracted to his work due to the vastness of what he has photographed in his career. I am no only attracted to what he has shot but also how he has shot his work. When shooting 9/11 most images were taken of ground zero after the collapse of during the collapse of the towers themselves. Hoepker took a different route when shooting 9/11 photographing people watching 9/11 unfold in the far.
Hoepker also has a tendency to click the shutter just at the right moment capturing an expression or action just at the right time. In this case Hoepker captured the marines sergeant staring intensely and aggressively at the marine.

Here in this shot Hoepker used an aperture of around f5.6-4 I feel that it would be f5.6-4 due to there is shallow depth of field in the background but not a lot so it was shot on a really fast lens.
I also think Hoepker used a fast shutter speed to freeze the smoke pouring out of the mans moth and pipe.
Hoepker also shot the image side using natural light coming from behind the subject the image would of had to be dodged around the man due to him being in shadow because of the angle of the sun. But this was a good decision by Hoepker to shoot the man facing into the sun as the light made the smoke really stand out. I will make sure to keep this in mind when out shooting if i want to capture smoke or rain drops or anything that is fast moving and hard to capture to shoot into the sun to help it stand out more.

This is a very hard hitting image taken of 9/11 I really like this image as every other photographer that i have seen photographed the buildings or the people directly affected by the attack.
Hoepker instead of photographing the people directly affected by the attack decided to photograph people over the other side of New York looking on as they sit with each other. Hoepker used natural light in this shot using a fast shutter speed freezing the subjects and the smoke and also using a shutter speed of f22 to get everything in focus including the trail of smoke. The smoke acts as a leading line pulling your eye towards the city in the background.

In this image Hoepker used natural light once again but in this one I think he used an aperture of around f2.8 as there is a lot of shallow depth of field I also understand that shallow depth of field is also greatly increased the closer to the subject you are. The reason why I like this shot so much is because the expression that the sergeant has on his face. This shows that Hoepker pre-set his camera as he waited for the perfect expresion and framing before he took the shot.